Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Happy Republic Day

I am blogging at a very comfortable rate of one blog per year! That's the good thing about being in a free country like India. You can do things your way. To think that 63 years have passed from the fateful day we resolved to make ourselves to be the supreme authority over ourselves is amazing. Though we seem to ask ourselves whether this is really true many a times in our life, we should be conscious of the fact that given all the fallacies, weakness and all  other bad things about this republic, we are still going strong. We should at the very outset take proud of the fact that, no matter what, we backed our forefather's decisions and kept this great country alive as a republic when we saw many a country fall back to autocratic ways. The past few years have been the most turbulent of times, in terms of the kinds of corruption we seem to be unearthing in various walks of life in our country. We are baking in limelight whatever the reason is - either good or bad. We cannot ignore the fact that the world has started to take attention to this part of the world. In history of any country, there comes a time when it has to make some decisions, the citizens of the country has to make some resolutions. To quote the former USA president John F. Kennedy - "Ask not what the country has done for you... Ask what you have done for the country". I think its time when we start thinking on these lines. It would not be radical if we in our subtle simple ways change our ways of living and think of doing something for the society in our daily tasks. It can be as trivial as switching off fans and lights when not in use, conducting ourselves well in society, stopping on red lights at intersections and so on. As they say, when small things look after themselves, the great things fall into place. I would say that as this republic day dawns into our life, we should resolve ourselves to be a bit more responsible that what we are the previous night. This is just a starting point. Its heartening to see so many people like you and me who wish from bottom of their heart, that the country should progress. With so many people thinking and acting on these lines, I am sure that glory is not far away. It wont be far from truth, when I say that we are all poised to becoming the beacon light leading the world. I hope that in one of these coming republic days, I could blog telling all of you "I said so". For how much we complain, we know that we belong to this great country. From the bottom of our hearts we want it to develop. Wherever we are, whatever we are doing, lets take some time today and take pride about belonging to this great nation and wish ourselves Happy Republic Day!! May the country prosper and we along with it. 

Monday, January 10, 2011

New Year Resolutions

Its been an year since I took a resolution that I should frequently post on this blog. But an year has passed without notice. Now this year is both bitter and sweet. We saw some of the huge scams unearth during the later part of the year. But I wonder whether every Indian already know something like this is going on. First when the CWG scam came to light, I thought this is big. But slowly 2G overshadowed it. The funny thing is now no one talks about CWG. The media is all busy with the 2G scam that it almost forgot that we had CWG sometime back. Somethings the sarcastic part of me cooks up a controversy saying that the whole 2G was unearthed so that the CWG will take a back seat. The common man is so very helpless now that he has does not have a choice. Everyone is equally corrupt. Corruption has now come a full circle. It is in its complete prime avatar now in the country. Everyone who thought corruption was just bribing somebody to get things done. Just pause for a second and look at the scale this weed has grown in this country. Trust has gone down. If the citizens wont rise now, there will be serious repurcations afterwards.

Friday, February 26, 2010

200 and beyond !!

200 - This the single most discussed number by a billion people over the past two days. This insignificant tiny number held the attention of a country and arose some deep emotions among many. I have no doubt when I say this is one moment every one of us prayed for at one time or other. I will be speaking a established truth of a few generations in the country when I say I grew up with a phenomenon. A phenomenon which gave hope and inspiration to a country which is trying to find its confidence back. A time when a hero is needed cutting across all the barriers. Its a person who has grown in stature which is by no means comparable to his build. What Tendulkar has given to country in general and to youth of the nation in particular goes beyond the entertainment or the runs. I still remember the days when my brother and I used to watch the match only when he is in batting. We smiled with him, cried with him, prayed for him.. In one word we connected with him. That is what Tendulkar has done to us. You and I become We when we watch him bat. A lot has been written about him over the last two decades and I may not add much to what everybody has written. But I thought I should write something to express my gratitute for what he has done to us. I only pray to God to let him play as long as he can. I do not want to think when it will all end. But at end of this great career, it will not be an exaggeration if I say that he will be greeted with a billion tear filled eyes. For all we know, Sachin can happen only once in history.