Monday, January 10, 2011

New Year Resolutions

Its been an year since I took a resolution that I should frequently post on this blog. But an year has passed without notice. Now this year is both bitter and sweet. We saw some of the huge scams unearth during the later part of the year. But I wonder whether every Indian already know something like this is going on. First when the CWG scam came to light, I thought this is big. But slowly 2G overshadowed it. The funny thing is now no one talks about CWG. The media is all busy with the 2G scam that it almost forgot that we had CWG sometime back. Somethings the sarcastic part of me cooks up a controversy saying that the whole 2G was unearthed so that the CWG will take a back seat. The common man is so very helpless now that he has does not have a choice. Everyone is equally corrupt. Corruption has now come a full circle. It is in its complete prime avatar now in the country. Everyone who thought corruption was just bribing somebody to get things done. Just pause for a second and look at the scale this weed has grown in this country. Trust has gone down. If the citizens wont rise now, there will be serious repurcations afterwards.