Friday, February 26, 2010

200 and beyond !!

200 - This the single most discussed number by a billion people over the past two days. This insignificant tiny number held the attention of a country and arose some deep emotions among many. I have no doubt when I say this is one moment every one of us prayed for at one time or other. I will be speaking a established truth of a few generations in the country when I say I grew up with a phenomenon. A phenomenon which gave hope and inspiration to a country which is trying to find its confidence back. A time when a hero is needed cutting across all the barriers. Its a person who has grown in stature which is by no means comparable to his build. What Tendulkar has given to country in general and to youth of the nation in particular goes beyond the entertainment or the runs. I still remember the days when my brother and I used to watch the match only when he is in batting. We smiled with him, cried with him, prayed for him.. In one word we connected with him. That is what Tendulkar has done to us. You and I become We when we watch him bat. A lot has been written about him over the last two decades and I may not add much to what everybody has written. But I thought I should write something to express my gratitute for what he has done to us. I only pray to God to let him play as long as he can. I do not want to think when it will all end. But at end of this great career, it will not be an exaggeration if I say that he will be greeted with a billion tear filled eyes. For all we know, Sachin can happen only once in history.


  1. Great! The "200" record has inspired you to blog. Keep going with this blog like the master blaster. Good luck!
